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What details of my website should I have to give my digital marketer for doing SEO?

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Blog Title - The WebSpot
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March 25, 2021

SEO is really essential for the website to be performed in a way that will help the website to improve its position in the most possible way.

For this, we need to provide our Digital Marketer a few of our details which will help him to optimize our website in the most effective possibility and uplift the website.

It is very important to understand what are the key elements that a Digital Marketer will require for conduction SEO.

Let me help this out with 2 Types of cases, where the Digital Marketing Agency might ask for Website details for Search Engine Optimization.

  • Type 1: Where the Website Owner is unaware of SEO and concepts but wants the Website to be optimized and has been suggested to do it.
    In this case, he needs to provide just following details to the Marketer,

    ✓ Website’s CPanel Access
    ✓ WordPress Access
    ✓ A list of a few of your Competitors
    ✓ A through Product/Service information
    ✓ The in-depth overall about the website/business and its motive

The rest will be taken care of by the Digital Marketer himself.

  • Type 2: These are amongst the few points a marketer will require to optimize the website or the webpage to the best of his knowledge.

    Also, make sure that all of your Credentials and Login details are been given in mail and being duly changed after the Contract Ends with Digital Marketer to secure your Website and to maintain Security.Where the Website owner has tried SEO or Google tools in the past or had assigned an SEO project to some Digital Marketer and wants to resume with another than the following details need to be provided.

    ✓ Website’s CPanel Access
    ✓ WordPress Access
    ✓ Google Tag Manager Access linked with Website
    ✓ Webmaster Access linked with Website
    ✓ Google Analytics Access linked with Website
    ✓ A list of a few of your Competitors
    ✓ A through Product/Service information
    ✓ The in-depth overall about the website/business and its motive

These are amongst the few points a marketer will require to optimize the website or the webpage to the best of his knowledge.

Also, make sure that all of your Credentials and Login details are been given in mail and being duly changed after the Contract Ends with Digital Marketer to secure your Website and to maintain Security.